How Inner Child Artist Oracle Came To Be: The Progression of the Process is Sticky Sometimes

My inner child is truly enjoying herself now! The deck started out small, and was meant for personal use only, but it transformed itself many times as I went along. It soon became huge and MESSY!!! And that is OK, as the process for creating it felt huge and messy. There was lots of scribblingContinueContinue reading “How Inner Child Artist Oracle Came To Be: The Progression of the Process is Sticky Sometimes”

Heal Your Inner Child

Inner Child Artist Oracle, An Oracle Deck That Promotes Healing The Inner Child Through Non-Dominant Art-Based Activities and Journaling Coming to Kickstarter February 15, 2023!

So Nervous!

I get to see my Mustang yearling today for the first time since June 1st, when I took him to a locally known professional Mustang trainer. Finally. It costs a lot, but he’s worth every penny! We’ve had a rough start. I allowed other people to tell me what I was capable of doing onContinueContinue reading “So Nervous!”

Am I a witch?

Yes, my husband saved the dried herbs from the garden for my “spells.” Yes, my friend brought me potion bottles yesterday. Yes, I make candles that smell (and are named) like weed scents. Yes, I can capture your soul with my paintbrush. Yes, I have also been known to help your children hone their artisticContinueContinue reading “Am I a witch?”

Let’s Play Catch Up…

2020 has been fucking eventful, to say the very least. It has been nothing short of dramatic; that much is true! We bought our first home and moved into it in mid- March, the very same day we were both laid off of work due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It has been very stressful, butContinueContinue reading “Let’s Play Catch Up…”

Drawing is the perfect distraction!

What in the hell would I do, on those days when my head spins and spins with shit I can’t control, without art to distract me? I would definitely be on lock down somewhere, just sayin’. Me and my Dad It’s also a good reminder. We can thank God for our creativity on the daysContinueContinue reading “Drawing is the perfect distraction!”

Some draw it out; Others sing it…

My son sings it. And he’s so good. I love it. I think it’s important. And beautiful. ❤️

A Family Reunion and Another Funeral

Life really is like the Wheel of Fortune. Things that go down always come back up again. That is a good and a bad thing. Either way… it’s a thing. The bad thing about funerals is that someone you love has died. The good thing about funerals is that it brings you together with yourContinueContinue reading “A Family Reunion and Another Funeral”

The Dearly Departed Spread

The Slow Tarot I did the Dearly Departed Spread for my dad. It turned out amazing! And so brutally on point. 1- Purpose in life: Magician (My mom’s birth card): “My purpose was to manifest every single one of your mother’s wants and needs that could be wanted or needed under the sun…” 2- WhatContinueContinue reading “The Dearly Departed Spread”

A New Chapter in the Book of Shilo

Goodbye Nevada, Goodbye to the old Shilo Moving on like Donkey Kong! My husband and I seriously just moved a 3,000 square foot life into a 31 foot RV. It’s nuts. At first, I thought about this decision we had made and I wanted to run and hide under a rock! “WHY!?!?!” Although the trailerContinueContinue reading “A New Chapter in the Book of Shilo”

What I have is all I need…

I must drive this poor man cray! I used to need my parents. I used to think that my dad was the only man who loved me. And although he may have been at one time, I now realize that there is someone who loves me even more than him. And this person is myContinueContinue reading “What I have is all I need…”

I wrote my Dad’s obituary! 😭

Being the first born child sucks ass! Not only did I arrange for my Dad’s cremation today, I was also appointed as planner of his Celebration of Life and also as writer of his obituary. I only recorded it so that I could type it quickly without looking back-and-forth at my little piece of paper.ContinueContinue reading “I wrote my Dad’s obituary! 😭”

Drawing it out… 😭

My dad has been in ICU for a week now. He has to a have a defibrillater implanted into his heart tomorrow morning, while his blood pressure stays at a very low rate. I’m worried. I am so fucking scared of facing life on Earth without him. I can’t stand the thought of losing him,ContinueContinue reading “Drawing it out… 😭”

Characters just fall off my brush!

This is a video of my artwork from 2016 to present.

“Baby, you’ve been prolific!”

“Even when you’re not working, you’re working.” Although I always try to see the good in other people, sometimes it is necessary to defend yourself with truth. The proof is always in the pudding. According to one person, (whom shall remain unnamed and unseen): “Since when do you work?! You’ve been busy sitting around andContinueContinue reading ““Baby, you’ve been prolific!””