INFJ: Rituals and Practices to Be Healthy

INFJ personality type is rare, and very misunderstood, but they can be beautiful!

My April Tarot Haul, Y’all!

Am I a witch?

Yes, my husband saved the dried herbs from the garden for my “spells.” Yes, my friend brought me potion bottles yesterday. Yes, I make candles that smell (and are named) like weed scents. Yes, I can capture your soul with my paintbrush. Yes, I have also been known to help your children hone their artisticContinueContinue reading “Am I a witch?”

Astro Taking Over!

Astro Taking Over Hey y’all! I have to admit that lately I have been on an astrology learning adventure/overload. I am truly a self-taught astrologer now! But why do I have an interest in astrology anyways? It is something about the stars. I love to think that our personalities are predetermined by the constellations. MuchContinueContinue reading “Astro Taking Over!”

The Button Soup Tarot! This is a collaboration deck that was facilitated by the Cult of Tarot Forum, and online community for Tarot card enthusiasts and collectors. I completed the nine of pentacles card for this collaboration and I’m very happy with the way the whole deck turned out! I especially love Joan Marie’s two pentacle cards andContinueContinue reading “The Button Soup Tarot!”

#NewBeginning2020: Reparenting Your Inner Child for a New Beginning

Join me as I show my new deck, INNER CHILD ARTIST, and show you how I use it to CONNECT WITH, CONVERSE WITH, and ultimately REPARENT my inner child!

Synchronicity and Wonder Walking

Two fabulous decks are being shown and discussed in this video. You can see Synchronicity by Cathy Nichols and A Deck for Wonder Walking by Amy Won. I so happy I purchased both of these gorgeous artsy decks. If you would like to get on To gettin’ ‘em, I shared the links in theContinueContinue reading “Synchronicity and Wonder Walking”

Tarot Embodiment

The Tarot Embodiment… My very personal project! I have been working on this deck for over a year now. It is on my original artwork. It is shocking how scared a person (ME!) can be to put themselves out there. It is really a road traveled by only the fierce! 😚 I have no ideaContinueContinue reading “Tarot Embodiment”

Inner Child Artist

Introducing Inner Child Artist, an art therapy deck to heal the wounded inner child. The Prototype This is the new deck I have been working on. It is called Inner Child Artist, and it is for healing the wounded inner child that hides inside of all of us. This is an art therapy deck thatContinueContinue reading “Inner Child Artist”

My May Tarot Haul!!!

Unboxing with my quirky ass commentary for the following tarot decks… Avalele Street Deck Tarot of Curiosities Apparition, a Spirit Speak Tarot Deck

Shilo’s ReLuminated Tarot- Ha!

I am working on my own Illiminated tarot deck called “Shilo’s reLuminated Tarot.”

The Visconti Modrone Walk-Through

Check out the newly released deck by Lo Scarabeo called the Visconti Modrone here. Enjoy!


Flip-through of several tarot decks, including urban, practical magic, dust II onyx, and MORE!!!

Emotional Well-Being Spreads

Tarot can be used for many, many purposes. One of my favorite uses for Tarot is to help me escape “crazy brain.” When anxiety and fear take over, it is hard to sometimes think rationally and actually see a situation for what it really is. In situations like this, I will pull out my TarotContinueContinue reading “Emotional Well-Being Spreads”

Banksy In Use! ❤️

Check out the photographs/reviews from people who have purchased the deck!Get yours today!!!