Heal Your Inner Child

Inner Child Artist Oracle, An Oracle Deck That Promotes Healing The Inner Child Through Non-Dominant Art-Based Activities and Journaling Coming to Kickstarter February 15, 2023!

Dude, this is happening!

I have to finish editing 22 stories in the guidebook for Inner Child Artist Oracle. The stories are from my inner child’s perspective, and some of them are not easy to write, and even harder to read. The guidebook. We all have our stories. So this is me, wearing my heart on my sleeve, asContinueContinue reading “Dude, this is happening!”

Inner Child Artist: WIP!

Are you happy? Were you happy as a child? Do you know how to be truly happy? 🥰 Emotions are intrinsic, and must be created from within. Happiness is something you become. It can’t be found in other people, in relationships, in travel, in work, or in luxury belongings… Happiness is something that you mustContinueContinue reading “Inner Child Artist: WIP!”

TBII is here!

The Tarot Banksy II is here! The wait is over! The decks have arrived, and I have been a pop-up shipping shop! I’m getting all of my pre-orders out and then the deck will be for sale in my Etsy shop. ♥️ Follow this link to see the video! https://youtu.be/J7DmRhFHrwc

Am I a witch?

Yes, my husband saved the dried herbs from the garden for my “spells.” Yes, my friend brought me potion bottles yesterday. Yes, I make candles that smell (and are named) like weed scents. Yes, I can capture your soul with my paintbrush. Yes, I have also been known to help your children hone their artisticContinueContinue reading “Am I a witch?”

Drawing is the perfect distraction!

What in the hell would I do, on those days when my head spins and spins with shit I can’t control, without art to distract me? I would definitely be on lock down somewhere, just sayin’. Me and my Dad It’s also a good reminder. We can thank God for our creativity on the daysContinueContinue reading “Drawing is the perfect distraction!”

The Button Soup Tarot!

https://youtu.be/t9DKKFC7HKQ This is a collaboration deck that was facilitated by the Cult of Tarot Forum, and online community for Tarot card enthusiasts and collectors. I completed the nine of pentacles card for this collaboration and I’m very happy with the way the whole deck turned out! I especially love Joan Marie’s two pentacle cards andContinueContinue reading “The Button Soup Tarot!”

Some draw it out; Others sing it…

My son sings it. And he’s so good. I love it. I think it’s important. And beautiful. ❤️

#NewBeginning2020: Reparenting Your Inner Child for a New Beginning

Join me as I show my new deck, INNER CHILD ARTIST, and show you how I use it to CONNECT WITH, CONVERSE WITH, and ultimately REPARENT my inner child! https://youtu.be/8U0KgwrBIFs

A great video showing the Tarot Banksy!

If you’re feeling up to seeing a gorgeous and legit deck, you can view a flip-through of the Tarot Banksy by clicking the link below. This video was done via Instagram by @realmonelm. She has a shop where she sells all kinds of groovy things. Check her out on Instagram, YO! http://www.instagram.com/p/B1M282FH6kV/

Art therapy is the shit, (if anything is at this point…)

The practice sketches I was working on when my dad died. I decided to finish the artwork, rather than toss it. On the evening of my dad’s death, I was drawing. I was practicing facial expressions, like I do every night, and I usually throw them away, but this night was different. What I drewContinueContinue reading “Art therapy is the shit, (if anything is at this point…)”

Drawing it out… 😭

My dad has been in ICU for a week now. He has to a have a defibrillater implanted into his heart tomorrow morning, while his blood pressure stays at a very low rate. I’m worried. I am so fucking scared of facing life on Earth without him. I can’t stand the thought of losing him,ContinueContinue reading “Drawing it out… 😭”

Tarot Embodiment

The Tarot Embodiment… My very personal project! I have been working on this deck for over a year now. It is on my original artwork. It is shocking how scared a person (ME!) can be to put themselves out there. It is really a road traveled by only the fierce! 😚 I have no ideaContinueContinue reading “Tarot Embodiment”

Inner Child Artist

Introducing Inner Child Artist, an art therapy deck to heal the wounded inner child. The Prototype This is the new deck I have been working on. It is called Inner Child Artist, and it is for healing the wounded inner child that hides inside of all of us. This is an art therapy deck thatContinueContinue reading “Inner Child Artist”

I Drew Me and My Pops!

I drew me with my dad! And I loved it! I need to draw more of these because these make my heart sing. I need to find one from when I was a little girl, and draw it! How fun!!!! Step 1 And here I am with my mama!