Do your shadow work. Walk the talk. A better world, and a better humanity, starts with you.

I value loyalty. I value truth. I value the heart and the love that is possible through it… and I move through the world in a way that builds people. Not in a way that breaks them. I don’t like to criticize people, and if I do say something, it is always with good intentions,ContinueContinue reading “Do your shadow work. Walk the talk. A better world, and a better humanity, starts with you.”

Have you ever thought about your thinking?

Advice of the Day: Don’t play in the shadows. Always seek the light. And by shadows, I mean clear up that energy by releasing shady shit, so that you vibrate at a higher frequency. ♥️ Feeling great and loving the work, and the learning, I’m doing! Life is often quite beyond our expectations, especially ifContinueContinue reading “Have you ever thought about your thinking?”

Balancing Darkness With Light: Two Tools That Helped Me Find Myself

This is an article about how I used astrology and personality typing to understand myself better.

INFJ: Rituals and Practices to Be Healthy

INFJ personality type is rare, and very misunderstood, but they can be beautiful!

How Inner Child Artist Oracle Came To Be: The Progression of the Process is Sticky Sometimes

My inner child is truly enjoying herself now! The deck started out small, and was meant for personal use only, but it transformed itself many times as I went along. It soon became huge and MESSY!!! And that is OK, as the process for creating it felt huge and messy. There was lots of scribblingContinueContinue reading “How Inner Child Artist Oracle Came To Be: The Progression of the Process is Sticky Sometimes”

Heal Your Inner Child

Inner Child Artist Oracle, An Oracle Deck That Promotes Healing The Inner Child Through Non-Dominant Art-Based Activities and Journaling Coming to Kickstarter February 15, 2023!

Inner Child Artist Oracle is Done, Diddly-Un!!!!

After four years of work, it is finally finished! This deck is a culmination of everything I’ve ever done in my entire life, from teaching elementary school art , to messing around with graphic design and websites, marketing and advertising, to storytelling and journaling, to card creation, etc.! I have had so many random opportunitiesContinueContinue reading “Inner Child Artist Oracle is Done, Diddly-Un!!!!”

So Nervous!

I get to see my Mustang yearling today for the first time since June 1st, when I took him to a locally known professional Mustang trainer. Finally. It costs a lot, but he’s worth every penny! We’ve had a rough start. I allowed other people to tell me what I was capable of doing onContinueContinue reading “So Nervous!”

Let’s Play Catch Up…

2020 has been fucking eventful, to say the very least. It has been nothing short of dramatic; that much is true! We bought our first home and moved into it in mid- March, the very same day we were both laid off of work due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It has been very stressful, butContinueContinue reading “Let’s Play Catch Up…”

Inner Child Artist: The How’s and Why’s

Does the child within us actually ever really grow up? These are my drawings in response to the cards in my Inner Child Artist deck. It’s hard to say which I prefer: the initial imagery or the elicited imagery… Inner Child Artist was created over the many YEARS I spent teaching elementary art. Much ofContinueContinue reading “Inner Child Artist: The How’s and Why’s”

What in the actual fuck is going on?

I have been absent. And I have been absent in more than just my website… I have been absent in my life in general. I must admit that losing my father has been the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. It threw my life into a tailspin. A tailspin? A tailspin implies that everythingContinueContinue reading “What in the actual fuck is going on?”

A New Chapter in the Book of Shilo

Goodbye Nevada, Goodbye to the old Shilo Moving on like Donkey Kong! My husband and I seriously just moved a 3,000 square foot life into a 31 foot RV. It’s nuts. At first, I thought about this decision we had made and I wanted to run and hide under a rock! “WHY!?!?!” Although the trailerContinueContinue reading “A New Chapter in the Book of Shilo”

Drawing it out… 😭

My dad has been in ICU for a week now. He has to a have a defibrillater implanted into his heart tomorrow morning, while his blood pressure stays at a very low rate. I’m worried. I am so fucking scared of facing life on Earth without him. I can’t stand the thought of losing him,ContinueContinue reading “Drawing it out… 😭”

My Life is Crashing Down With My Daddy

Death is so final. I have always had so much hope that with modern technology and medical advances, that my dad would be fine. I’ve never been the best at handling terminal illness and death. And the death of someone close to me nearly destroys me. I’m still trying to deal with the loss ofContinueContinue reading “My Life is Crashing Down With My Daddy”

Inner Child Artist

Introducing Inner Child Artist, an art therapy deck to heal the wounded inner child. The Prototype This is the new deck I have been working on. It is called Inner Child Artist, and it is for healing the wounded inner child that hides inside of all of us. This is an art therapy deck thatContinueContinue reading “Inner Child Artist”