INFJ: Rituals and Practices to Be Healthy

INFJ personality type is rare, and very misunderstood, but they can be beautiful!

How Inner Child Artist Oracle Came To Be: The Progression of the Process is Sticky Sometimes

My inner child is truly enjoying herself now! The deck started out small, and was meant for personal use only, but it transformed itself many times as I went along. It soon became huge and MESSY!!! And that is OK, as the process for creating it felt huge and messy. There was lots of scribblingContinueContinue reading “How Inner Child Artist Oracle Came To Be: The Progression of the Process is Sticky Sometimes”

Heal Your Inner Child

Inner Child Artist Oracle, An Oracle Deck That Promotes Healing The Inner Child Through Non-Dominant Art-Based Activities and Journaling Coming to Kickstarter February 15, 2023!

Inner Child Artist Oracle is Done, Diddly-Un!!!!

After four years of work, it is finally finished! This deck is a culmination of everything I’ve ever done in my entire life, from teaching elementary school art , to messing around with graphic design and websites, marketing and advertising, to storytelling and journaling, to card creation, etc.! I have had so many random opportunitiesContinueContinue reading “Inner Child Artist Oracle is Done, Diddly-Un!!!!”

Dude, this is happening!

I have to finish editing 22 stories in the guidebook for Inner Child Artist Oracle. The stories are from my inner child’s perspective, and some of them are not easy to write, and even harder to read. The guidebook. We all have our stories. So this is me, wearing my heart on my sleeve, asContinueContinue reading “Dude, this is happening!”

Drawing is the perfect distraction!

What in the hell would I do, on those days when my head spins and spins with shit I can’t control, without art to distract me? I would definitely be on lock down somewhere, just sayin’. Me and my Dad It’s also a good reminder. We can thank God for our creativity on the daysContinueContinue reading “Drawing is the perfect distraction!”

Drawing it out… 😭

My dad has been in ICU for a week now. He has to a have a defibrillater implanted into his heart tomorrow morning, while his blood pressure stays at a very low rate. I’m worried. I am so fucking scared of facing life on Earth without him. I can’t stand the thought of losing him,ContinueContinue reading “Drawing it out… 😭”

Characters just fall off my brush!

This is a video of my artwork from 2016 to present.

I Drew Me and My Pops!

I drew me with my dad! And I loved it! I need to draw more of these because these make my heart sing. I need to find one from when I was a little girl, and draw it! How fun!!!! Step 1 And here I am with my mama!

Introducing Siena and Lucy!

I’ve had nothing, but time, since my surgery and today I completed this portrait for my doctor! This is his niece, Siena. ❤️ And this is his niece, Lucy! ❤️

Commissioned Worker, I am…

Hey Guys! I love drawing people and I have gotten good enough that I am able to catch a likeness to them. When I show people my work, I always get asked to draw for them. It is flattering and it is a lot of work! But, I do like it (as my work!) andContinueContinue reading “Commissioned Worker, I am…”

She Thinks She’s a Fucking Kite

I drew my niece tonight. She didn’t call me for Mother’s Day. She has called me every Mother’s Day since her mom died, three years ago, but she didn’t call this year. And I know why… It doesn’t make me happy. I used to think she was a heroin addict, but I know now thatContinueContinue reading “She Thinks She’s a Fucking Kite”

The Lifestyle You Ordered is Out of Stock!

A collage of my family that I made for my mom… only the quote isn’t on the real one. But the quote sums everything up nicely. 😭

Once My Sister, Now My Muse

Art has gotten me through the hardest of times. When my sister died three years ago, I was at a loss. I mean a literal loss of everything, including my mind, and especially my mind. It was a “Tower moment.” The problem was that I had never even considered her death before and I justContinueContinue reading “Once My Sister, Now My Muse”

A Naked Selfie? Why NOT? (It’s just me… drawing ME!)