Balancing Darkness With Light: Two Tools That Helped Me Find Myself

This is an article about how I used astrology and personality typing to understand myself better.

INFJ: Rituals and Practices to Be Healthy

INFJ personality type is rare, and very misunderstood, but they can be beautiful!

How Inner Child Artist Oracle Came To Be: The Progression of the Process is Sticky Sometimes

My inner child is truly enjoying herself now! The deck started out small, and was meant for personal use only, but it transformed itself many times as I went along. It soon became huge and MESSY!!! And that is OK, as the process for creating it felt huge and messy. There was lots of scribblingContinueContinue reading “How Inner Child Artist Oracle Came To Be: The Progression of the Process is Sticky Sometimes”

Inner Child Artist Oracle is Done, Diddly-Un!!!!

After four years of work, it is finally finished! This deck is a culmination of everything I’ve ever done in my entire life, from teaching elementary school art , to messing around with graphic design and websites, marketing and advertising, to storytelling and journaling, to card creation, etc.! I have had so many random opportunitiesContinueContinue reading “Inner Child Artist Oracle is Done, Diddly-Un!!!!”

Inner Child Artist: WIP!

Are you happy? Were you happy as a child? Do you know how to be truly happy? 🥰 Emotions are intrinsic, and must be created from within. Happiness is something you become. It can’t be found in other people, in relationships, in travel, in work, or in luxury belongings… Happiness is something that you mustContinueContinue reading “Inner Child Artist: WIP!”

Inner Child Artist Oracle

A deck for changing your story… Y’all… I have been working on an oracle deck called Inner Child Artist since early 2018. I got the promo deck on the day my father passed. Needless to say, I had to put it down for a while until my heart could handle it again. I miss myContinueContinue reading “Inner Child Artist Oracle”

My Art Room Renovation! Thanks Mom!

The Shadow Worker, a free online journaling experience

“To know thyself is to be the ruler of one’s own universe. “Carl Jung This journaling experience will provide you with the tools and the opportunities to recognize, resolve, and embrace all parts of yourself, including your shadow side. By doing this, you can move forward in your life, in a more holistic and balancedContinueContinue reading “The Shadow Worker, a free online journaling experience”

“Baby, you’ve been prolific!”

“Even when you’re not working, you’re working.” Although I always try to see the good in other people, sometimes it is necessary to defend yourself with truth. The proof is always in the pudding. According to one person, (whom shall remain unnamed and unseen): “Since when do you work?! You’ve been busy sitting around andContinueContinue reading ““Baby, you’ve been prolific!””

My Life is Crashing Down With My Daddy

Death is so final. I have always had so much hope that with modern technology and medical advances, that my dad would be fine. I’ve never been the best at handling terminal illness and death. And the death of someone close to me nearly destroys me. I’m still trying to deal with the loss ofContinueContinue reading “My Life is Crashing Down With My Daddy”

Inner Child Artist

Introducing Inner Child Artist, an art therapy deck to heal the wounded inner child. The Prototype This is the new deck I have been working on. It is called Inner Child Artist, and it is for healing the wounded inner child that hides inside of all of us. This is an art therapy deck thatContinueContinue reading “Inner Child Artist”

The Lifestyle You Ordered is Out of Stock!

A collage of my family that I made for my mom… only the quote isn’t on the real one. But the quote sums everything up nicely. 😭

Double Take

We all have many different people hidden inside of us, for every person that cares for us and that we care for becomes a part of us somehow. Who are you today? Are you the person that is on the inside that only you know, or are you the one on the outside that everyoneContinueContinue reading “Double Take”

Do you like psychology? Have you thought about shadow work?

Have you heard of Carl Jung’s concept of the shadow self? In wikipedia, the shadow self is defined as “(1) an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not identify in itself, or (2) the entirety of the unconscious, i.e., everything of which a person is not fully conscious. In short, the shadowContinueContinue reading “Do you like psychology? Have you thought about shadow work?”