#cooptylew is TOTALLY doing the #madmarchtarot challenge!

#madmarchtarot19 #cooptylew

Deck: Alice Tarot by Baba

Day 1:

Alice dealt me the Nine of Coins. Alice must’ve picked up on the fact that she’s my very favorite, (Alice rocks, though she is the hardest to draw!), and that I practice my art and the tarot everyday. She also must’ve sensed that I love a great tarot/art challenge that invites me to know myself better. I guess she must’ve intuited that my Alice decK is my all-time favorite, too! Geez. Alice seems like the high priestess right now! Ha

Well then, I suppose she gave me the Nine of Coins because she knew that I am/ have always been self-taught; most definitely a Sage archetype, independent (a Hermit!) in my experience of learning both art and tarot, and pretty much everything…

With her knowing that, she would realize that I would handle this challenge successfully, as long long as I can get over my social shyness and step into myself. For me, this is a message that I shouldn’t worry so much about what anyone thinks; that I should just relax and have fun and make art! ❤️

My version of the nine of coins

To find this challenge go on Instagram and search:





Published by CooptyLew Art & Tarot

I strongly believe in the power of art and ancient systems (tarot, astrology, human design) for emotional healing and wellness, and it is my ultimate passion, as an artist, to teach others how to use these resources in this way… They speak seductively to the artist in me and I'm quite fascinated by the intersection of art, spirituality, and psychology that exists within them.

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